
Information About Tests

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The following information applies to the actual Airman Knowledge Tests that you'll take at an official testing location.  We've designed the practice tests on MyWrittenExam.com exactly the same as the actual test that you'll take.   To make your practice test as real-world as possible, you should follow the rules, guidelines, and suggestions below when taking your practice tests on MyWrittenExam.com. 

Description of the Tests
All test questions are the objective, multiple-choice type.  Each question can be answered by the selection of a single response.  Each test question is independent of other questions; therefore, a correct response to one does not depend upon, or influence, the correct response to another.

Knowledge Test Guides 
We've made the official FAA Knowledge Test Guides for each certificate available below.  Please note that these guides are all in Adobe Acrobat format.  If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat installed you can download it free here

 Test Taking Tips

  • Answer each question in accordance with the latest regulations and guidance publications.
  • Read each question carefully before looking at the possible answers.  You should clearly understand the problem before attempting to solve it.
  • After formulating an answer, determine which choice corresponds with that answer.  The answer chosen should completely resolve the problem.
  • From the answers given, it may appear that there is more than one possible answer; however, there is only one answer that is correct and complete.  The other answers are either incomplete, erroneous, or represent common misconceptions.
  • If a certain question is difficult for you, it is best to mark it for review and proceed to the next question.  After you answer the less difficult questions, return to those which you marked for review and answer them.  The review marking procedure will be explained to you prior to starting the test.  
  • When solving a calculation problem, select the answer closest to your solution.  The problem has been checked with various types of calculators; therefore, if you have solved it correctly, your answer will be closer to the correct answer than any of the other choices.

Use of Test Aids and Materials

Airman Knowledge Tests require applicants to analyze the relationship between variables needed to solve aviation problems, in addition to testing for accuracy of a mathematical calculation.  The intent is that all applicants are tested on concepts rather than rote calculation ability.  It is permissible to use certain calculating devices when taking airman knowledge tests, provided they are used within the following guidelines.  The term "calculating devices" is interchangeable with such items as calculators, computers, or any similar devices designed for aviation-related activities.

  1. Guidelines for use of test aids and materials.  The applicant may use test aids and materials within the guidelines listed below, if actual test questions or answers are not revealed.
    1. Applicants may use test aids, such as scales, straightedges, protractors, plotters, navigation computers, log sheets, and all models of aviation oriented calculating devices that are directly related to the test.  In addition, applicants may use any test materials provided with the test.
    2. Manufacturer’s permanently inscribed instructions on the front and back of such aids listed in 1(A), e.g., formulas, conversions, regulations, signals, weather data, holding pattern diagrams, frequencies, weight and balance formulas, and air traffic control procedures are permissible.
    3. The test proctor may provide calculating devices to applicants and deny them use of their personal calculating devices if the applicant’s device does not have a screen that indicates all memory has been erased.  The test proctor must be able to determine the calculating device’s erasure capability.  The use of calculating devices incorporating permanent or continuous type memory circuits without erasure capability are prohibited.
    4. The use of magnetic cards, magnetic tapes, modules, computer chips, or any other device upon which prewritten programs or information related to the test can be stored and retrieved are prohibited.  Printouts of data will  be surrendered at the completion of the test if the calculating device used incorporates this design feature.
    5. The use of any booklet or manual containing instructions related to the use of the applicant’s calculating device is not permitted.
    6. Dictionaries are not allowed in the testing area.
    7. The test proctor makes the final determination relating to the test materials and personal possessions that the applicant may take into the testing area.
  2. Guidelines for dyslexic applicant’s use of test aids and materials.  A dyslexic applicant may request approval from the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) to take an airman knowledge test using one of the three options listed in preferential order:
    1. Option One.  Use current testing facilities and procedures when possible.
    2. Option Two.  Applicants may use Franklin Speaking Wordmaster to facilitate the testing process.  The Wordmaster is a self-contained electronic thesaurus that audibly pronounces typed in words and presents them on a display screen.  It has a built-in headphone jack for private listening.  The headphone feature will be used during testing to avoid disturbing others.
    3. Option Three.  Applicants who do not choose to use the first or second option may request a test proctor to assist in reading specific words or terms from the test questions and supplement material.  In the interest of preventing compromise of the testing process, the test proctor should be someone who is non-aviation oriented.  The test proctor will provide reading assistance only, with no explanation of words or terms.  The Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, will assist in the selection of a test site and test proctor.

Validity of Airman Test Reports

Airman Test Reports are valid for the 24-calendar month period preceding the month you complete the practical test.  If the Airman Test Report expires before completion of the practical test, you must retake the knowledge test.

Retesting Procedures

If you receive a grade lower than 70 percent and wish to retest, you must present the following to testing center personnel.

  • failed Airman Test Report; and
  • a written endorsement from an authorized instructor certifying that additional instruction has been given, and the instructor finds you competent to pass the test.

If you decide to retake the test in anticipation of a better score, you may retake the test after 30 days from the date your last test was taken.  The FAA will not allow you to retake a passed test before the 30-day period has lapsed.  Prior to retesting, you must give your current Airman Test Report to the test proctor.  The last test taken will reflect the official score.

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